If you are looking for a short getaway to recharge your inner batteries and take a dive at start of the season, this is a perfect package to update your diving skills and discover beautiful nature of island Lošinj.
This program includes dives for couples, a relaxing full body massage, a mediterranean dinner and a visit to the Museum of Apoxyomenos so you can have a relaxing short break and indulge your body, soul and mind.
Package 1 Individual, 5 days Day 1: Travel agent picks up a client at the airport, explaining the package on the way to Budva. A...
Osmišljen za sve ronioce i neronioce koij žele istražiti skrivene podmorne ljepote slovenske obale. Vaš paket obuhvaća 4 ekskluzivna ronilačka iskustva koja će vam predstaviti...
Ovaj paket nudi ronjenje na lokacijama u šibenskom arhipelagu, uključujući brodske olupine u blizini otoka Žirja i brodolom “Francesca da Rimini” kraj otoka Kaprija. Smještaj:...
A week to explore the underwater heritage of Lošinj archipelago through the eyes of Apoxiomenos. Discover the ancient shipwreck remains, spectacular caves and colourful gorgonia reefs underwater, as well as the vibrant nature and city life above the waterline.