Zabodarski islet is a nearby diving location, perfect for all categories of divers. It offers both natural marine life discovery as well as a peek into the past, with the remains of antique amphorae.
SMS Szent Istvan je bil odkrit sredi sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja, obrnjen navzdol, blizu otoka Premuda in zdaj leži naglobini od 67 metrov. Premec 152-metrske...
Tečaji SSI za otroke, tečaj Scuba Rangers (starost 8-12 let), tečaji potapljanja za mladince (12–15 let), različni tečaji za odrasle. Enodnevni ali dvodnevni programi za...
Scuba diving, PSS diving school, open water dive. Fully equipped, open all year, offering rental service equipment, bottling, organized diving boat trips, scuba diving. Expert guidance and supervision of a licensed instructor. No prior experience with scuba diving needed.