Potapljaški center “Diving Team R Montenegro” ima mednarodne licence za profesionalno in športno potapljanje. Vsi tečaji potekajo po PADI standardih. Center nudi programe potapljanja, organizira...
Tečaji SSI za otroke, tečaj Scuba Rangers (starost 8-12 let), tečaji potapljanja za mladince (12–15 let), različni tečaji za odrasle. Enodnevni ali dvodnevni programi za...
Scuba diving, PSS diving school, open water dive. Fully equipped, open all year, offering rental service equipment, bottling, organized diving boat trips, scuba diving. Expert guidance and supervision of a licensed instructor. No prior experience with scuba diving needed.
A contemporary museum designed to tell the story of discovery and preservation of the most important underwater archeological discovery in Croatia - a full-sized bronze statue of Greek athlete, known as Apoxiomenos of Croatia.
Poljana Camping Village Resort: Immersed in the pristine nature, a few kilometres from the city of Mali Lošinj. You can choose from modern tent and trailer parcels to high-class mobile homes and bungalows.
SubSeaSon SSI Instructor Training Center is offering a variety of recreational Scuba Diving courses, ranging from Scuba Ranger for kids to ‘Go Pro’ trainings. Get your diving licences, from elementary Open Water Diver all the way to Dive Leader, or take the advanced specialty course in Underwater Archaeology or Photography.