At some point in 1st century, a ship sunk here, taking down its cargo. At the depths of 17 to 30 meters, the remains of...
A very popular dive location is found on the southern side of the island of Susak. The large reef edge breaks and is falling from...
Bijarski zaliv je bil pristanišče in sidrišče antičnega mesta Apsorus. Na nekaterih mestih so na velikihskalah na obali vidne sledi dolgotrajnegaprivezovanja vrvi za čolne. Pod...
The remains of a cargo ship from ancient times. At the depth of 22-25 meters, you can see both the wreck and the remains of...
Tečaji SSI za otroke, tečaj Scuba Rangers (starost 8-12 let), tečaji potapljanja za mladince (12–15 let), različni tečaji za odrasle. Enodnevni ali dvodnevni programi za...